Case Study Research: Opportunities and Directions

报告题目:Case Study Research: Opportunities and Directions

报告人:许玮元 教授(同济大学)





讲座内容:Case study research allows the researcher to investigate meanings and reality that are socially constructed, embedded within natural settings, and intertwined with practices and consequences of participants’ social actions. In this talk, we demonstrate through case study approach how different stakeholders interpret the implementation of technology and security management at organization and industry level, and how stakeholders manage the process of IT-driven organization transformation. This contextual and qualitative approach has a theoretical importance in enhancing our understanding concerning the process of technology and security management in organizations.


许玮元教授,同济大学经济与管理学院,管理科学与工程系特聘教授,博士生导师。英国伦敦政治与经济学院信息系统专业博士学位毕业。主要研究专注于 1)信息安全管理系统的导入与采纳研究; 2) 应用于金融行业跨组织信息系统的导入与采纳研究等议题。从事科研工作以来,曾主持过多项科研项目。研究成果已发表于信息系统(IS)领域 2大顶级期刊 MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research(ISR), 计算机方向顶级期刊 Communications of the ACM以及其他国际杰出信息管理期刊。目前担任Information Systems Journal 与Journal of Strategic Information Systems 资深主编以及 Information & Management 副主编; the Journal of the Association for Information Systems 以及 IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management编辑委员会。

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