





    Transportation Planning and Management

    Transportation Planning and Management is Shanghai Maritime University’s traditional advantage discipline, which started to offer master degree education in 1981, became the key discipline of the Ministry of Transport in 1997, and was entitled to confer Ph.D. degrees in 1998. Transportation Planning and Management was listed as national key discipline (under cultivation) in 2007 and became key subject of Shanghai Municipal in 2008. Currently, under the discipline, there are one doctoral-level program in Transportation Planning and Management, two master-level programs in Transportation Planning & Management and Transportation Engineering, two international collaborative master-level programs in International Shipping and Logistics and Logistics Engineering and Management.

    For a long time, Transport Planning and Management focuses on the research and study on the major theory, technology and management problems in the fields of shipping development strategy and planning, shipping system simulation and security management, and logistics information technology optimization. It has been carrying out comprehensive, interdisciplinary and pioneering researches from strategic, planning and operational levels. In the recent five years, with the support of more than 26 millions research fund, more than 170 research projects have been completed, among which 10 are national projects and 18 are provincial/ministerial projects. Over 200 academic papers are published, more than 40 of which are indexed by SCI, EI and ISTP. In addition, 24 books are published, 7 provincial and ministerial prizes have been won and 13 patents have been successfully applied.

    The discipline boasts a reasonable and sound academic echelon structure. It has a total of 14 professors, 8 associate professors and 2orientalists.
